Thursday 9 May 2013

Tanzania Visa Advice Needed

Today is a quick blog designed to ask a question ... has anyone had any good or bad experience with visas for Tanzania in either a) purchasing them prior to departure from the embassy or b) purchasing them at the airport on arrival?

I am getting many mixed messages on this one with 50% of people saying to absolutely get them before we go and others saying the airport is the way to go.

What thinks you?

Part 2 of this quick blog is my webcraft accomplishment for challenge 2 ... check it out:

Contains simple html code for a 'Hello World' paragraph
Handwritten code to make sure we know the basics!

It took me a few tries to get the indents right for the tags but other than that was quite straight forward.   Oh, I also wrote uft-8 a bunch of times!!  I did like this exercise as I found that writing it out by hand definitely solidified it more for me than typing.  Otherwise though, I've reinforced that I still can not write in a straight line :)


  1. 2006 I went in and out of Tanzania twice via Arusha. Both times I paid for a single entry visa (they couldn't figure out how to do a multi entry). No problems.

    That said, I would just call the embassy and confirm.


  2. Thanks! I think that I am going to just show up in person at the embassy with all of the passports and take care of it here; I'm a bit hesitant to put them in the mail.

  3. Wow, lovely penmanship! And sorry, I have no advice on Visa's ;) lol

  4. Nice job on challenge #2! I'm also taking the Webcraft challenges. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that can't write in a straight line. :-)
